Josh Hoare

Josh won the 2015 Circuit Excel championship in one of the tightest battles the State Series has seen. The win was a testament to his consistency and getting the best out of his equipment on the day. Josh was a well-respected young driver with a fellow competitor quoting “Josh was a low fuss racer, and I always have admired him for that. He was never caught up with anything political or controversial, just rolled up, had fun, and he was fast. I don’t think I ever saw him without a smile on his face.” Josh sadly passed away in October 2019 which came as a shock to family, friends, and the circuit racing community. To honour Josh, the Circuit Excel Association introduced the “Josh Hoare Memorial Trophy,” which is awarded to an exceptional young driver who achieves results through clean and fair racing and someone who is respected by their peers.

2023 – Jacob Currie

2022 – Brad Gartner

2021 – Ethan Fitzgerald

2020 – Aaron Oliver

2019 – Jayden Wanzek